Just Found Out About Coffee Account

Personally I am not a regular coffee drinker, but sometimes I do drink coffee. Most of the time is when meeting others, for fun or business, then coffee shops is a good choice.

In the past I do not have a special preference for brand or type of coffee. But later on these days if I could choose then it is preferred to have coffee in local establishments. Anyway they serve good coffee as well as food to accompany it, and they provide inhouse wifi.

The last experience I have is that in a favorite local of place to drink coffee, they offered me to buy a small amount of the bean (enough for about 10 serving) have it prepared and keep the rest of it there for later consumption. So I have a coffee account with them. Next time I come around there all I have to do is ask them to serve the coffee.

It is a good offer, since I don’t drink fancy coffees, just plain black coffee. And at least once a month several of us like to be meet and talk there. As for the value, the price of the coffee package is about the same as 3 cups of black coffee of single origin. So the other seven is a bonus. But still I need to buy food or at least cakes, because even having fun you need to have other than drink coffee.

Have your favorite coffee shop offered this?

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